D3DX10_35.dll Download : D3DX10_35.dll is Missing - not found - Corrupted thumbnail

D3DX10_35.dll Download : D3DX10_35.dll is Missing - not found - Corrupted

If you see a message like "The code execution cannot proceed d3dx10_35.dll was not found". Then the solution provided in this post is for solving the problem. You can download the file and repair your corrupted files.

Windows & Computers
published by : Code Flow
updated at : 2023-02-06 14:34:57

Comments: 0

Views: 55.4K

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d3dx10_35.dll is missing, HD-OBS.exe system error, The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx10_35.dll was not found. missing dll file.

Short form of Dynamic Link Library. DLL is a type of file that contains a set of code and data, that a Windows program uses to do certain things at the same time.

If you see a error messages like :

  • The code execution cannot proceed d3dx10_35.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
  • The program can’t start because d3dx10_35.dll is missing from your computer.
  • There was a problem starting d3dx10_35.dll. The specified module could not be found.
  • The program can't start because d3dx10_35.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

When you start a program or game on your Computer, you will find this kind of error.

Now, you have to reinstall / replace that file in following locations C:\Windows\SysWOW64 to fix this error. Or, you can download & install lastest version of DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer.

Download Link for D3DX10_35.dll

Screenshots :

d3dx10_35 dll file missing

d3dx10_35 dll file missing in coc

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